

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The journey begins

Welcome to my Blog! As I self-reflect on my life's journey I am eternally grateful for each experience, good and bad, that has allowed me to arrive at this moment. I would like to think I have achieved adult hood but am still unsure what that truly means. My youngest daughter continually reminds me I can officially be registered as an antique due to my chronological age. While this may be true I believe we must all remain on the outskirts of adult hood focused on enhancing this journey of life through continual learning. Through the next year I hope you join me in this phase of my journey of continued self discovery as I take on a challenge that will push me to the outskirts of my comfort zone. Through my blog you will be able to share the opportunities and challenges I face as I compete for Mrs. Washington 2012. I am honored to be representing Spokane as Mrs. Spokane this November at the Mrs. Washington pageant in Moses Lake. My commitment to you, the reader, is to remain authentic and transparent in an attempt to help others share this life changing growth opportunity. I must begin by sharing my passion and the primary reason I have chosen to take this rather unconventional path of self-discovery. I have been blessed in my life to have several mentors that pushed me to think outside the box using critical thinking skills. These mentors provided the support and positive energy to allow me to accomplish what others may perceive as impossible. I feel passionately it is my responsibility to now take that next step and share what I have learned with others. Now who is Judi and where does the journey begin?
I am passionate about my family, my career, and my community. I enjoy and thrive on challenges and making positive contributions in all areas of my life. While my most recent and exciting challenge will be competing in Mrs. Washington 2012 I have had other challenges that have shaped who I am as a person and community member.  I am excited about representing Spokane and our community during the upcoming year. 

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About Me

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Spokane, Washington, United States
Growing up in a small rural community in Eastern Washington allowed me to discover and grow into the woman you see now. I was born on March 4, 1965 in the Othello hospital and 18 years later graduated from Othello High School ~ go Huskies! I am now a wife, mother, and grandmother. I am deeply committed to emotional and physical health and work diligently to strengthen both my mind and body through exercise. I am a graduate of Whitworth University ~ go Pirates, and Gonzaga University ~ go Zags! My passion is focused on mentoring the youth in our communities by showing them the power of critical thinking and authentic leadership. By applying the principles of emotional intelligence we can successfully arm our youth with the tools to move our global community to the next level. I am currently involved with Big Brothers & Big Sisters as well as HOBY. Both of these organizations share my passion for youth leadership in the community. In addition to youth leadership I am involved with Vanessa Behan's Crisis Nursery. I urge you to view the links I have provided so that you may learn more about these special organizations.