

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stuff the Bus!

Me and Jesse Sheldon, founder of Inland Northwest Baby
I commend Jesse and friends for powering through the weather this morning for the first day of Stuff the Bus...in the rain/snow.  When I arrived at 6:15am he and friends were ready to go dancing up a storm in the Shock bus.  I freely admit I didn't make it through the entire morning, oh to be young again.  I was able to stay long enough to give Jesse a big hug, along with a pack of diapers, and share my own personal story communicating how critical Inland Northwest Baby is to our community.  Even though it was cold I think everyone, including the KXLY crew, was ready to get busy stuffing the bus.  I plan to be back at it Saturday morning and am praying the weather cooperates.  I challenge all of you who are reading this blog to show up at the bus and join me in helping Jesse meet his goal.  Diapers are so important and no contribution is too small.  Please help me help Jesse help others!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What happened to Spring

Apparently someone forgot to alert the person in charge of weather that the calendar says Spring.  As I looked out my office yesterday the weather changed from snow to sun to snow.  I truly love living in Spokane where we get a taste of all four seasons I would just like to avoid experiencing all four in one day. 

We are knee deep in birthday season around our house.  All four of our wonderful kiddos have birthdays in a three week span beginning April 17th.  This weekend our youngest graduated from a pre-teen to official teenager.  As we celebrated her birthday I realized how close we are to being empty nesters.  High school and college are right around the corner and the annual trip to drop off cupcakes coming to an end.  For all of you parents out there with young ones just a word of advice.  Seize every opportunity to share moments with your children.  They grow up so fast and before you know it special talks and cuddle sessions are few and far between.  One day they will go from requesting a bedtime fairytale to your car key's.  While the birthday shuffle at our house is full swing we are also heading in to event season in Spokane. 

Just a reminder ~ this Thursday through Saturday is the annual Stuff the Bus at Central Valley High School.  Please join me in helping Jesse to refill the diaper bins of Inland Northwest Baby and help out the families in our area.  One pack of diapers makes such a difference. This year there will also be a second location on Saturday only from 10am to 3pm at the Walgreen's on Division.  Click on the hyperlink above for details.
While I would love to snuggle up to a good book in front of the fireplace I must sign off and prepare for the day. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday and try to stay warm and dry.  Don't forget the gloves, sunglasses, sunscreen and snow boots ~ you never know what the day will bring.

About Me

My photo
Spokane, Washington, United States
Growing up in a small rural community in Eastern Washington allowed me to discover and grow into the woman you see now. I was born on March 4, 1965 in the Othello hospital and 18 years later graduated from Othello High School ~ go Huskies! I am now a wife, mother, and grandmother. I am deeply committed to emotional and physical health and work diligently to strengthen both my mind and body through exercise. I am a graduate of Whitworth University ~ go Pirates, and Gonzaga University ~ go Zags! My passion is focused on mentoring the youth in our communities by showing them the power of critical thinking and authentic leadership. By applying the principles of emotional intelligence we can successfully arm our youth with the tools to move our global community to the next level. I am currently involved with Big Brothers & Big Sisters as well as HOBY. Both of these organizations share my passion for youth leadership in the community. In addition to youth leadership I am involved with Vanessa Behan's Crisis Nursery. I urge you to view the links I have provided so that you may learn more about these special organizations.