

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 days to go

Hard to believe the pageant is only five days away!!! To all my family, friends, partners, and sponsors thank you for everything.  I am ready and excited to make you all proud. 

The last eight months have been filled with new relationships and amazing memories.   I look forward to the next adventure and chance to represent Washington on a national level. 

I will be transitioning to Facebook for updates beginning Thursday morning.

For those of you attending the pageant on Saturday drive safe!

Much love to all ~ Judi Beckley Baggarley, Mrs. Spokane

Friday, November 11, 2011

Eight days to go ~

The pageant is only 8 days away and I am ready and excited to represent Spokane.  For anyone still interested in attending there are tickets available that can be purchased at the door.  My one word of caution is show up early as they are going fast.

Stay tuned to my facebook during the events beginning next Thursday for updates.

Thank you to all for the support during this journey. 

Veteran's Day

Thank you does not seem enough for all the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country.  To members of my family, my friends, and co-workers among the active and retired military community please know you are appreciated more than words can say.

My thoughts go out to all the families who have been impacted by the sacrifice of your loved ones.  While the official day of celebration and remembrance fall's on this Friday, November 11th please know the combined prayers of a country occur each and every day.

Thank you for your service ~

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Crowns for Kids

Yesterday afternoon I was honored to participate in the 2011 Crown's for Kids to benefit Children's Miracle Network and the Miss Spokane Scholarship Fund.  The event kicked off with an official welcome from our MC for the afternoon tea and fashion show our own local beauty queen and celebrity Angela Monson.  Joining me for the afternoon fashion show were current and former royalty from the local or regional organizations. 

Glamarita supplied my unique handcrafted formal gown and Park Lane Jewelry provided the beautiful blue earring, necklace, and bracelet combination.   Thank you Cheri Moore for organizing this amazing event and allowing me to be a part of the afternoon.

Getting ready with Amy Clark, Mrs. Spokane County
Park Lane jewelry combo on ~ hair complete ~ ready to go!
Angela Monson describing the beautiful Park Lane combo

Glamarita gown with hairstylist Douglas McCoy

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Ball

The Pumpkin Ball was a mix of fashion, fun, and creativity as the Spokane community came together for the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery and Sacred Heart Children's Hospital. 

My friend Stacey Davis and I helped out at the pumpkin carving station as the teams worked to create amazing designs.  There were nine teams of two comprised of medical professionals and Spokane celebrities.  The designs ranged from a fortune telling pumpkin to an iGourd.  Pictures of the winner and other designs will be posted for all in the coming weeks on the Pumpkin Ball website.

Can't wait for next year ~

Angry Birds ~ my fav

The pumkin carving queens

MC Kris Crocker getting ready to announce winners

Friday, October 21, 2011

Women's Survival Show

Wellness, community giving, and relaxation techniques were the theme for the Women's Survival Show on Friday, October 21st.  The event was not only fun but very informational.  I was blessed to participate and explain the impact of the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery to those in attendance.  We were able to enlist nursery volunteers for the increasing need as well as communicate how important it is to give back to the community.  Thank you Anna and Teresa for making the evening so much fun.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Inland Northwest Baby 2nd Annual Tea

I had the privilege of speaking at the 2nd annual Inland Northwest Baby Tea party on Saturday.  The passion and drive of the founder Jesse Sheldon continues to amaze me.  This is a young man who at 13 decided to make a difference which continues to gain momentum throughout the community.  Please take a moment to visit their website and learn more about this organization.

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Mrs. Washington Rehearsal

Thank you Lakewood YMCA and Carla Richards, Mrs. Washington 2010, for hosting the first opening number rehearsal.  It was really nice to see everyone and learn some amazing choreography thanks to our fearless leader and pageant director Pam Curnel.  Hope to see everyone at the pageant on November 19th it will be an amazing event. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23rd ValleyFest Hearts of Gold Parade

Friday night I was able to ride in the Hearts of Gold Parade kicking of ValleyFest 2011 in Spokane Valley.  The people and weather were amazing.  I was joined by Mrs. Spokane County, Amy Clark, on the back of a Eclipse thanks to the Appleway Auto Group.  Thank you to all the volunteers and parade goers who made this evening possible.

Big Brothers & Big Sisters Bowl for Kid's Sterling Style

I was joined by fellow Sterling Savings Bank employees as we played hookey from work and went bowling to benefit Big Brothers & Big Sisters.  Fun was had by all ~ even those on my team who suffered through my double digit bowling average.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cobra Classic for Ronald McDonald House

This memorable Sunday was full of celebration, remembrance, amazing hats and some beautiful polo ponies as Ronald McDonald House celebrated the 7th annual Cobra Polo Classic.  I was blessed to to help out at the event and witness Spokane at its finest.

The day started with a memorable tribute to 9/11 and included skydivers holding banners of children who had stayed at the house during their battle with cancer.  I was able to witness my first polo match and help serve champagne to all during the stomping of the divots.  For all of this I have only word AMAZING.

Thank you to Ronald McDonald House for allowing me to be part of this amazing day!

Leslie and I working the silent auction tent

Getting ready to serve during the 'stomping of the divots'

Match in progress

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Moses Lake Fashion Show

Walmart in Moses Lake was the venue for a recent back to school fashion show to benefit Children's Miracle Network.  I was lucky enough to be joined by several other Mrs. Washington contestants and their daughters.  Amy Evers (Mrs. Pierce County), Tiffany Carvo (Mrs. Moses Lake), and Amy Clark (Mrs. Spokane County) with their daughters modeled the latest back to school fashions.  My daughter Haley helped me at the face painting station creating a true mom/daughter event.  Pam Curnel served as MC and was truly amazing!  Fun was had by all as we raffled a BBQ with all proceeds going to Children's Miracle Network.  Thank you Walmart and Mrs. Washington team for making this a memorable Saturday afternoon.

Getting ready for the show!

Haley hard at work

Amy Evers, Mrs. Pierce County
Concentrating on a basketball design

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Grant County Fair

Had a wonderful Saturday afternoon visiting the Grant County Fair with the Mrs. Washington posse and my family.  Everytime we get together I realize how much fun it is to catch up ~ amazing group of women.  We met some great folks from Moses Lake and visited amazing animals.  Got to pet bunnies, snuggle with a few lambs, visit some local award winners, and hit the rides.  A complete day in the sun with great people.  

Mrs. Washington, Lisa Bluhm

FFA Grand Champion and a Spokane connection ~ Kelsey Kasparek

Mrs. Washington posse along with the Little Miss Royalty

An incredibly soft bunny

Royalty on a ferris wheel

After leaving the fair we hit Michael's for a quick bite to eat with Moses Lake family before hitting the road.  Amazing service, food, and atmosphere.  Thank you Moses Lake for an amazing Saturday!

Michael's on the Lake

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Unity in the Community

Amazing evening last night helping out with setup for the event today.  Tons of fun in the heat with a fellow Sterling employee, Dan, and other local community members.  Unity in the Community is truly a celebration of the many cultures that make up our Spokane community.  Thanks to Jim for doing his best to herd all of the cats.  In addition to the many adult volunteers it was wonderful to see the large contigency of young future leaders with their clipboards and take charge attitude. 

My only regret is not being able to see the event today especially the completed tipi thanks to our own Spokane tribe.  Listening to the tribal member in charge of construction was truly a blessing.  Each piece of the structure was created using materials from the Spokane area cured in the same manner used for decades.  The pictures truly do not do it justice.  I urge you to take just a few hours to visit the event. 

Creating the cover


Dan and me ~ did I mention it was very hot!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Garland Street Fair

So much fun yesterday at the Garland Street Fair.  I was lucky enough to work with Cecile owner of  Gallery of Thum at one of the kids areas.  Although she was smart enough not to assign me to the actual face painting I did help out with the creative crafts and ticket sales.  All proceeds went to the Spokane Guild School which capped off a truly special community event.  For those that have not visited the Garland district I would urge you to take a Saturday soon to visit the shops.  Not only did I pick up amazing hand made jewelry but a fantastic pair of homemade flip flops. 

Thank you Oliver for pitching in and Cecile for letting me be part of this special day.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August begins with a bang

Summer has officially arrived in Spokane.  With the warmer weather comes a busy schedule.  My month started with a wonderful shopping excursion for Big Brothers & Big Sisters at the 2011 Back to School Blitz.  I was blessed to be partnered with a little sister who demonstrated all the attributes of a future strategic leader making our shopping trip fun and productive.  With the one hour time limit planning was everything.  Bethany had already done some detailed reconnaissance work the day before so we hit the ground running.  As the shopping began my job was to grab the cart as she made a bee line to her secret stash of clothes.  At the end of the event we were able to ensure she was ready to roll for the first day of school complete with clothes, school supplies, and a backpack.  The day was full of laughter and hugs across the board.  Thank you Fred Meyer, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, and especially Bethany for making my Saturday morning so incredibly special

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Washington Business Week

The week ended with an amazing opportunity to serve as a judge at the Gonzaga Washington Business Week.  This annual event starts with the arrival of apx 200 high school students from all over our state and occasionally other visiting countries.  Listening to the students relate their individual stories you get a glimpse of how life changing this experience is to each of them.  Little do they realize as adults listening to their passion is an equally powerful experience.  Sometimes in the rush of our daily activities I think we as adults forget the opportunity we have to make a difference in a child's life. 

One of the students put it best during an open comment section when she relayed how much it meant to have local professionals take the time to listen and provide guidance.  It truly made them feel special and recognized.  I walked away realizing in that four hours I potentially grew just as much as each of the high school students.  I urge anyone who has a passion for mentoring and being part of a young persons life story to contact Washington Business Week for a program in your area. 

For pictures of events in Washington this year please take a peak at the facebook link

Friday, July 15, 2011

Vanessa Behan Rosauers Open

The weather took a positive turn just as the open kicked in to high gear.  Indian Canyon is truly an beautiful venue for this amazing cause.  I got to meet some really wonderful people on each hole as I did my best to navigate the course.  Being my first time on the course and in an electric golf cart there was a certain level of uncertainty but I love a good challenge.  The event goes through this Sunday so I urge anyone interested in watching some truly great golfers to make the short journey up to the course.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Indian Canyon Club House
Me and Amy doing our jobs

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend

The weekend started with an fun-filled road trip to Renton with Mrs. Spokane County Amy Clark.  I am so proud of Genay Tucker, Miss Spokane.  She won the interview and was third runner up at the Miss Washington pageant this weekend.  Although the auditorium had no air conditioning she was able to remain calm, cool, and collected through the entire event.  We were lucky enough to be joined by other visiting queens and meet some truly wonderful and talented women. 

Before the pageant I was fortunate enough to join some of the Mrs. Washington contestants at The Keg Steakhouse in Renton.  The food and company were both equally amazing! 

Ending the weekend celebrating the 4th with family around the pool with homemade ice cream topped off a fun holiday weekend.  Although I am a bit red I am looking forward to the summer officially arriving in Spokane with 80 degree weather in our near future. 

Welcome July!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Miss Washington

We were very excited to see Genay Tucker off to the Miss Washington pageant in Renton this weekend.  She is truly a special girl.  Look for pictures to come from pageant as we travel to cheer on our local girl on Saturday at the pageant.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Message

On this special day I feel the need to post a special message urging those who like me have lost their father's to take that trip down memory lane.  It is with mixed emotion that I replay those special memories of moments with my own father.  While I miss him greatly I am forever grateful for the time I had.  With his guidance and mentoring (and sometimes tough lessons) I became the woman I am today.  He taught me perseverance in the face of adversity, creativity, and compassion along with many other critical life skills.  Little did I realize growing up his passion for opening the minds of future leaders would be a trait I inherited.  I feel blessed that I can now share that message with my own children and others.  Without a shadow of a doubt I know you are looking down upon us with a proud smile.  My special message to you dad, you were right we all have the power to make a difference.  Stay tuned, I am just getting warmed up!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Heroic Leadership ~ Gonzaga

It was my privilege to work with Dr. Tony Andenoro today during the Heroic Leadership class at Gonzaga University.  Listening to others share their stories and watching as future leaders applied the concepts of effective leadership was exciting.  It was comforting to know while challenges exist within all of their respective organizations these students have the passion to deal with the issue in an ethical and compassionate manner.  Thank you for letting me be a part of this special day.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Angel Ball Gala

Saturday I was able to attend the annual Angel Ball Gala.  This was the fifth year for the event and the numbers continue to climb as Julie and Shane strive to help find a cure for Type 1 insulin dependent juvenile diabetes.  This year the numbers topped 350 as Spokane community members came together to raise awareness and funds for this meaningful cause.  A very moving video was shown in which actual family members described the impact of this disease on their families.  Thank you for to Julie for allowing me to be part of this special event. 

Vanessa's Promise Luncheon

Last week I was honored to help out with the annual Vanessa's Promise luncheon.  The event kicked off with a moving poem about the impacts of child abuse delivered by a young girl.  I have to admit there may not have been a dry eye in the room.  As the lunch progressed we were able to see video clips as well as hear yet another moving story delivered by grandparents that were re-introduced to the role of parenting.  It was very powerful to listen as they described the events that occured placing them into the role of primary care givers for their newborn grandaughter.  At the conclusion of the event it was amazing to watch not only my table members but others dig deep to ensure this critical organization not only sustains itself but has the resources to provide care for additional children.  Thank you so much to the many Sterling Savings Bank employees who filled our three tables as well as all of the other table captains.   Special thank you to Kristin and Kim for volunteering to join forces with this organization. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mad Hatter Tea

The venue and people made this afternoon extra special for members of the Mrs. America, Miss America, and Miss America USA organizations.  It was fun to enjoy the sunshine and some crazy hats all to benefit St. Joseph's Family Center. 

We all got to marvel at the various hats on display by various vendors. 
Miss Spokane Genay Tucker

The event was complete with an Easter egg hunt officially kicked off by the Mad Hatter and Alice.  The hunt was officially over in less than two minutes.  Amazing how quickly the eggs were cleaned up.  I may have to try that tactic at home with my daughter and her room.

Mrs. Spokane County Amy Clark
Thank you St. Joseph's for allowing us to be part of this special first annual event on an amazing Sunday afternoon.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Crossing my fingers for the sun to stick around just a few more days.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fashion Night Out

Last night was an amazing event as the Inland Northwest American Red Cross held their first annual Fashion Night Out.  I have already formulated my list of stops to pick up some of the fashions on display.  Joining me at the event was Miss Spokane Genay Tucker.  Genay is weeks away from heading to the Miss Washington pageant in Renton.  Personally I think she is a shoe in.  Smart, funny, and incredibly beautiful she will truly make Spokane proud.  Thank you to Megan the coordinator for the amazing seats.  Honestly I am not sure our task of selling raffle tickets warranted the prime spots but we were definitely not complaining.

I am confident there are some amazing pictures on facebook this morning of the firefighters who handled the catwalk with ease.  It was nice to get to meet some of them and gain a better understanding of the challenges they face on a daily basis.  They truly deserved to let their hair down, and they did! 

I am excited about tomorrow and the Sunday afternoon tea for St. Josephs Family Center High Tea.    The treasure hunt combined with our Spokane River are enough to entice anyone but that hats, just puts it over the edge for me.   Stay tuned for pictures and facebook updates during the event!

Hope you are all getting a test of our wonderful Spokane weather ~ I am headed back outside to soak up some much needed D ~ Happy June 4th all

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June begins with several amazing events ~ Please join me!

This week is shaping up to be busy and beautiful.  I  feel truly blessed to be participating in several amazing events in the coming days that benefit organizations that have special meaning to me personally. 

Friday I will be busy with the Inland Northwest Red Cross at Fashion Night Out.  A few tickets are still available but going fast.  Fashion and a great cause ~ win:win. 

Sunday I will be helping St. Joseph Family Center at the Mad Hatter Tea Party.  High tea, crazy hats, and a treasure hunt all in a beautiful setting.  This is such an amazing center that helps members of our community heal and recover frequently from devastating events.  Please join me and start your week off with some fun for a wonderful cause!

Finally on Tuesday, June 7th I will be hosting a table at the 11th annual Vanessas Promise Luncheon benefiting the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery.  The annual event offers a one hour free lunch complete with moving presentations from people directly impacted by the nursery.  The event will be held at The Lincoln Center  beginning at noon.  If you would like to attend please contact Kendal Huff at 509-340-0479.

If you are able to join me at any of the events please stop by and say hi. 

Happy June!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

As I remember my father who passed much too young I feel blessed to recall those special moments that truly shaped the woman I am today.

On our way back from Moses Lake we stopped in my hometown Othello to pay tribute to those memories and thank other veterans who have sacrified so much. 

If you are ever in the neighborhood please swing by Beth Hampton Memorial Garden's and visit the veteran's memorial.  The eagles and plaque's are truly breathtaking.

Thank you to all the men and women who have helped keep us safe on this Memorial Day ~

About Me

My photo
Spokane, Washington, United States
Growing up in a small rural community in Eastern Washington allowed me to discover and grow into the woman you see now. I was born on March 4, 1965 in the Othello hospital and 18 years later graduated from Othello High School ~ go Huskies! I am now a wife, mother, and grandmother. I am deeply committed to emotional and physical health and work diligently to strengthen both my mind and body through exercise. I am a graduate of Whitworth University ~ go Pirates, and Gonzaga University ~ go Zags! My passion is focused on mentoring the youth in our communities by showing them the power of critical thinking and authentic leadership. By applying the principles of emotional intelligence we can successfully arm our youth with the tools to move our global community to the next level. I am currently involved with Big Brothers & Big Sisters as well as HOBY. Both of these organizations share my passion for youth leadership in the community. In addition to youth leadership I am involved with Vanessa Behan's Crisis Nursery. I urge you to view the links I have provided so that you may learn more about these special organizations.